
Online e-learning statistics and trends for 2023

Online e-learning statistics and trends for 2023

The educational disruption caused by the unexpected pandemic has led to an unprecedented revolution in the educational landscape. Lectures, seminars, or learning of any kind no longer have to be confined to a physical location thanks to digital toolboxes, from mobile devices to virtual learning systems to online courses.

The remarkable shift from traditional classroom education to digital learning, followed by the explosive growth of the e-learning industry, shows no signs of slowing down.

Whether you want to jump into distance learning as a student or teacher with a course aiming to harness its potential, here are some highlights that include the most important stats covered in this article for you to work through:

Two out of five Fortune 500 companies rely on e-learning tools.
The global e-learning market is expected to reach $457.8 billion by 2026.
China is expected to become the largest e-learning market by 2026.
The United States and Europe alone make up more than 70% of the e-learning industry.
4.4 million American families lack e-learning tools.
21 E-learning statistics and trends for 2023

Our round-up of 21 key online e-learning stats can help you develop a better understanding of the major e-learning and online education trends and what the future holds for them:

As more and more institutions offer mobile learning opportunities to people from remote areas, the e-learning market is set to grow at a rate of 10.3% to reach $457.8 billion.

Based on an e-learning industry report, Deloitte states that the average employee needs 24 minutes, or 1% of their workweek, for learning purposes. This microlearning approach helps employees absorb the latest knowledge and skills available to them. The process leads to increased revenue and a competitive advantage.

China’s e-learning market will overtake the United States of America by reaching the projected US $105.7 billion market size by 2026. This boost is attributed to China’s policies to accelerate the shift to new learning methods that are internet-based.

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